A relevant site that probes the mind of billionaires and gives you an insight of what it takes to be wealthy or what makes these lavishly living individuals stay on top of te list of billionaires

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Billionaires Bill Gates and Steve Jobbs Together?

Tuesday, December 25, 2007 by Credit Card Toplist

You heard of the two billionaire media moguls Bill Gates and Steve Jobs responsible for making the computer and technology industry what is today.This video show s you two polar different billionaires together at last

One of the top Billionaires in India

Monday, December 17, 2007 by Credit Card Toplist

Today I am going to talk about one of the top billionaires in India Lakshmi Narayan Mittal the richest billionaire in India even though he lives in London. He was born June 15, 1950 in a village named Salpur. Even though he is in top billionaires in thee world ranking 5th place all the wealth he has accumulated was not given to him well at least majority of it.He is grandfather worked for a leading industrial company in India and his Father was a partner in Calcutta steel company which made his father rich though not top billionaires status yet.

After recieving his bachelor he started to work at his father steel plant this happen around 1976. The company was divided between brothers and fathers which led him to the International part. Even though the shares of the company were even out Lashmi surpased his brothers in record time and becoming he wealthiest person in London in 2004 which made him the one of the top billionaires in the Uk region. The name of his steel company is Arcelor Mittal which his son and daughter share top positions in the company.

The reason because of his dramatic amount of wealth is based on the inflating rupy that is skyrocketing.I believe in no time he will be thee top billionaire world. Even hough his net worth is a mere 51 billion dollars No one in the continent of Asia can top him. Also having the esteem f being one of the top billionaires in the world he also was on Time's top 100 Most influential poeple list. He is one my most favorite billionaires on Forbes 400 but I tell you to keep an eye on him because he would surely be on the top

Who was the first black billionaire?

Saturday, December 15, 2007 by Credit Card Toplist

The first black billionaire is always assumed to be Oprah Winfrey because of her fame and popularity , but truthfully the first black billionaire was a man by the name of Robert Johnson. He obtained the title of the first black billionaire by owning a company known as Black entertainment Television (BET) a cable television channel company that is dedicated to black music and shows. This company was bought out by Viacom in 1998 for about 3 billion dollars. Robert Johnson had 68% stake in the company making him the first black African American billionaire after taxes of course

He was also the rich the richest black billionaire for some time until he had a divorce with his wife Sheila Johnson which also can be said as the first female black billionaire before Oprah Winfrey. Today He is 61 years old and just recently got his net worth above the billion dollar mark barely missing Forbes 400 list of billionaires which the minimum of making it on the list is 1.3 billion dollars.

Billionaire Bill Gates and Seve Jobs ;The Ultimate Duel!

by Credit Card Toplist

This a very humorous cartoon skit with Bill Gates and Steve Jobs having a computer brawl.Using Macs,Iphones,and zunes to gain position and has a special guest appearance of commodore 64.

Billionaire Donald Trump is Anti-Bush!

Friday, December 14, 2007 by Credit Card Toplist

This is an awesome video featuring Donald Trump, in this video he is talking about most hated subject President Bush. He is bringing up everything that is bad about President Bushes Administration .So watch and tell me what you think.

Rich and flashy billionaire Geeks?

Wednesday, December 12, 2007 by Credit Card Toplist

This video features Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Jobs, and Slew of fabulous rich billionaire geeks that made their money from the computer industry.

Rueters take on Forbes billionaire's List.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007 by Credit Card Toplist

This a news station named Reuters doing short segment video on Forbes billionaire list. Telling who made it in 2007 and what are their total net worth.

The top ten things a billionaire can do with chocolate! yum yum

Monday, December 3, 2007 by Credit Card Toplist

Chocolate is called ambrosia of the gods one of the most valuable resource in the world today of course by my opinion. Man If I had a billion dollars I would so many things with chocolate
here are my top ten things
10. make a replica of Herbie and drive him to Tijuana where I would drink chocolate margaritas.
9.Have snickers change their name o chocolate coated nuts
8.Create a chocolate show depicting Dawson's Creek and have Katie Holmes Played by chocolate doughnut of course with a cream filling.
7.Get a pair of chocolate coated teeth with feelings so I can always have the taste of it in my mouth
6. Set up O.J. Simpson with a nestle crunch bar
5.Dip Michael Jackson in chocolate so he could be black again. Like in the 80's
4.mmmmmm.................... chocolate
3. Have a National Holiday called Willy Wonka day which celebrated on the anniversary of charlie and the chocolate factory
2. Create a Giant statue of Jessica Simpson and eat her out.
Drum roll s please
1.Turn the black sea to dark brown chocolate sea and swim in it until I have more chins than Rosie O'donald

Do billionaires get married?

by Credit Card Toplist

here is a video of Yang Huiyan the richest woman in the country of china. She has over 16 billion dollars and the guy who got married to her is indeed one of the luckiest guys in the world.

Unlimited wealth,making billions without making money?

Thursday, November 29, 2007 by Credit Card Toplist

Wow! tell me who is the richest man on the planet ? If I ask that question I will get probably one of two answers Carlos Slim Helu or Bill Gates. According to books or tax returns I would say say neither. They have little too nothing in their own name Because both of them or structured in these corporate entities which allow them to do what they want or get anything they want. So from this explanation I would say the richest people are like the poorest people in the world that are in control of unlimited resources.

Let me add They probably do have one thing in their name which the value of their stock. which fluctuates every and has absolute no monetary value until you sell it.Stock is pretty much useless because who has enough money to buy Carlos and bill stocks? The answer is no one and once they sell their shares it will immediately take the of their company down.

Billion Dollar Blindne$$

Tuesday, November 27, 2007 by Credit Card Toplist

I never seen a billion dollars before but I am guessing it resembles a skyscraper in size and volume. I am sure the weight of it is on par with Rosanne's weight. Just Imagine if a person became a billionaire and ask for a billion dollars in ones ,that would be like the whole Yellowstone national park cut down in one swoop.

So,what drives people to obtain this crazy amount of money,new cars, homeless guys named Joe(we have one of these guys on our corner and he does nackflips for nickels)or could it be an avid status symbol saying I have enough money to get
Regis Philbin to pick my nose. So with this blog I want to encourage you to get a billion dollars or else Yo might be like Homeless Joe someday.

Mark Cuban A billionaire with a spirit of a Maverick

Sunday, November 25, 2007 by Credit Card Toplist

I think in the billionaire microcosm mark Cuban is one of the most interesting fellows. According to Forbes Magazine he has a net worth of about 2. 3 billion dollars which just went up to 2.7 billion dollars.He is a self made billionaire and made a lot of his money from Yahoo purchasing his old company called Broadcast.com for 5.9 billion dollars in stock. Mark Cuban was smart so diversified it into many investments knowing of he dot-com bubble would pop.Also with that transaction it landed him The Guinness Book of World Records for having making the largest e-commerence transaction. All that a side he is best known for his ownership of the Dallas mavericks. He is very much involved with his team ,going to almost every game and starting with numerous referees and getting fined nearly $1,665,000 .Also, he matches every dollar he is fined and gives to respectable charities. You pretty much see why he is not worth 5.9 billion dollars st he moment. He owns numerous internet based companies and owns highly trafficked blog which releases team and personal commentary

Billionaires control the world!

by Credit Card Toplist

Their are over 946 Billionaire are across the world, 30% of them reside in the United States alone! That means these poeple represent 11% of of the Gdp. So, all the money In the USA was once touched at one point of time or another by one of these philanthropist hitter. I remember going back to the eighties when a million dollars was a substantial amount of money where only a few were in control of such wealth.

Now more than 8.4 million people in the USA have that type of money and there are a lot of people who hide behind corporate entities which in term would make the number over 20 million individuals. That explains why America is probably the world's most powerful country and home of the most powerful military. With this blog I am going to create a window of the lives of billionaires and their hefty net worths so prepare yourself for this elaborate ride.